In the morning we meet up with Dad's buddy Mr. Chan who will take us to another cemetary to pay our respects to Dad's side of the family. We hunt down St. Raphael's Catholic Cemetary Cheung Sha Wan in the rain. We have difficulty finding the graves even though Dad checks with the office for the reference numbers. The graves are not marked in sequential order, but we can narrow down the section and the row/position.

It's wet and there's a lot of steps to climb. We're directed to the wrong section and then eventually find Dad's 2 uncles, but can't find his older brother's grave. We spend the whole morning there and eventually give up.

(But don't worry, he gets the chance to go back in a few days and finds it. We missed it because he forgot the tombstone lies flat.)

In the afternoon, we're joined by Dad's friend, Mr. Luk and head to see the Tian Tan Buddha (天壇大佛) on Lantau Island. Ngong Ping 360 (昂坪360) is the whole tourist attraction that includes the whole cable car system and shopping and restaurant village that leads up to the Big Buddha. The cable car is a 25 min. ride travelling a distance of 5.7km. with an angle turn in the middle. With the rainy, foggy weather, Mom has some misgivings. At one section of the ride, we're surrounded by fog and can't see where we're going or where we're coming from, just floating in the clouds swaying on a wire.

I won't be responsible for any seniors slipping on steps, so I run up myself to take a quick look at the buddha while everyone waits for me at the bottom.

In the evening we have dinner with Mom's nursing school friends.