We have a morning flight from Lijiang (麗江) back to Kunming (昆明). We visit Jiuxiang National Park (昆明九乡风景区) and then the Stone Forest (石林).

We have a short boat ride through the Yincui Gorge and then a tour through the underground caverns. We walk throught the Grand Lion Hall, named after the rock formation at the top that looks like the profile of a watchful lion.

At the end, we have to climb 336 steps to ascend from the last cavern. Auntie Lucy and Auntie Angela opt for the sedan service. You can be carried out for 50 RMB (about $8 CDN). Stone seats along the stairs are provided for rest stations.

We made it! Then we have a chairlift ride back out of the park.

Our next stop is the Stone Forest (石林).

These hats are part of the traditional headwear of the local women. The triangular points (blue and pink) protruding from the top of the band signify if they lady is single or married. Two points mean she's single, one point means she's engaged (the other triangle is given to the man), and no points means she is married.

In the evening we see the show Shangrila Dynamic Yunnan (云南映象). It's the most artistic show we've seen created and choreographed by Yang Liping 楊麗萍. It showcases the ethnic folk music and traditions of the area. Yang Liping's Moonlight and Peacock dance are amazing in control and grace as she contorts her limbs and body in intricate movements.